
The Bink Zone


Kev and I have no critters of our own, save for the cat, but between the two of us we have eleventy-seven hundred nieces, all of whom rock in their own little niece-like ways, but the rockinest example of this nieceness comes in the form of the tale I'm about to tell involving Kiki and Randa (nicknames used to protect the tiny and weird). Kiki is three-and-a-half; Randa, Kiki's little sister, is two months old.

Let me begin this story by announcing that Randa has discovered the act of Binking Out�, as I like to call it. Randa gets her bink, and immediately zonks out - - I mean, she's full-on into the Bink Zone�, y'all. So happy to be gummin' on that bink.

So, the other night, Randa's on her dad's lap, binking out to the max, when Kiki wanders up to this peaceful, bucolic scene. She leans over, and plants a little kiss square on Randa's wee button nose, and before the grownups present can complete their collective awwwww's, Kiki, in a bewilderingly brilliant coup de theatre, swipes the bink from Randa's rosebud pucker, and bolts out of the room.

Awesome. Ladies and Gentlemen - the kid's got moxie in spades.

lisamcc at 13:16:57

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