
Ladies & Gentlemen -- The Coreys!!!

So, prior to having my booze-fueled meltdown on Monday night, while I was still having a good time, Jess, Paula, and I collectively gave birth to what may possibly be the most disturbing band idea since Bjorn Again. We're calling it The Coreys. The basic, and completely stupid, premise behind The Coreys is that we'll cover only songs which appear in films starring either Corey Feldman or Corey Haim, or both. This covers a wide range of terrible material, and Jess and I suspect that a weekend-long "Coreyfest" may have to be arranged, so that we might cull from these films 45 minutes' worth of songs. I, for one, am willing to view The Lost Boys, Lucas, and Stand By Me with little argument, but I am going to have to be pumped full of some kind of substance to sit through Dream a Little Dream, and License to Drive.

At any rate, the concept of The Coreys is either total genius or completely fucked, depending on my mood. I imagine I will play drums, which means either Jess or Paula will tackle vocals for the theme song to The Goonies.

lisamcc at 09:19:42

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