
Green Worm Poop

green worm poop = science

Most of my three-day Christmas holiday was spent in the car, driving to and fro with Kev, as we are generally expected to make appearances in several 'burbs throughout Eastern Massachusetts. My stress at having to make these trips came to a bubbling, frothy head on Christmas morning, as I sat blubbering in the front seat at the prospect of having my picture taken by my camera-crazed father. Stupid, I know, but understand that at this point, I was operating on 3 hours of sleep and the knowledge that my living room was slowly being taken over by jumbo-sized rolls of festive wrapping paper.

Enough. Everybody gets stressed on Christmas, right?

Yesterday marked the end of our three-day jaunt across the state. I was sitting on my sister-in-law's couch, listless and mildly grumpy from too many hours in the car and too much Christmas cheer (or brandy...you make the call), when my four-year-old niece, Caroline, climbed into my lap, her little face a study in utter earnestness. "Aunt Lisa, I have a secret to tell you," she whispered.

"You do, huh?"

"Yes, I do." She scrambled further up into my lap, cupping her tiny hand over my ear, and proceeded to regale me with what was probably the most important thing she had to say to anybody for the past 20 minutes: "I was riding my bike and there was this worm and it was dried up, and when I runned over it, I cut it in half and all this green worm poop came out."

That she chose to share this with me, her grumpy old hungover aunt, defies explanation. Maybe she knows something I don't.

lisamcc at 10:56:58

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