
Eve of Destruction

Everything's wrapped and ready!  Wheee!

Every Christmas it's the same damn thing.

I don't have everything wrapped. There were things I needed to buy, yet here I am, surrounded by wrapping paper, in dire need of a hot shower and a nap, with less than 5 hours to go before our presence (and presents, har har) will be expected in the bustling metropolis of Whitman, MA.

I refuse to go back out until then. Have you been out there? It's frightening. The grocery store is the fifth circle of the Inferno today. Old ladies who'd just as soon kill you than let you have that last bag of chopped pecans. I myself was good and surly by the time we got to the dairy aisle, and that's just a good forty feet from the front door. I'm staying put now.

Merry Christmas blah blah blah...

lisamcc at 13:13:29

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