
Stinky Boots


So the Mass. Army Navy stores are going out of business. I treated myself to a new pair of combat boots yesterday, and boy do they ever stink. I don't know if it's the weather-proofing or what, but they reek. My cat, Whitey B., has been going nuts over them. This is alarming; Whitey has a real thing for anything stinky in the chemical sense. Kev works all day with inks and pressroom odors, and I guess those smells transfer themselves onto his footwear, because Whitey hurls herself at his shoes every night. At first we figured she was just really glad to see him, but when I brought my boots home yesterday she went apeshit. I had to hide them in a closet, and even then she was writhing all over the spot where I'd previously set them down. This morning, when I put them on, she literally started humping my feet. Bizarre.

I've always attached human personalities to my cats. My previous kitty, Santiago, was this old drag queen in a kimono. Whitey, I'm afraid, is a 15-year-old huffer in a Korn t-shirt. I can't figure her out.

That in turn got me to thinking about spray cans. I went to Utrecht the other day to buy some matte spray and they kept it behind the counter. Yesterday when I went into Pearl to buy some Mod Podge I noticed that while you could buy cans, you had to then go to the service desk to get nozzles. Meanwhile, down the street at True Value, there are no restrictions on spray cans. Bizarre.


I had this random college memory burble up from the back of my head: during my sophomore year, my roommate Katie and I were obsessed with this guy who looked just like Peter Murphy. We didn't know his name, so we just referred to him as "petermurphyboy." If one of us spotted him, we'd smack the other in the shoulder and squeak: "Peter Murphy Alert!" We kept on this for the better part of a semester, until we met his former roommate, who informed us that petermurphyboy listened to shitty music, and often urinated in his wastebasket because he was too lazy to go down the hall to the bathroom. The bloom was pretty much off the rose after learning that...

lisamcc at 12:31:52

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