
The measure of Online Worth

Guess which one I am?  Hubba hubba!

Well, I've up and signed myself onto a webring, and for vanity's sake, added a Nedstat counter, so I can find out all the when's and where's of what traffic I suspect I may be getting. Even if nobody showed up to my little online party, I imagine I'd still be furiously typing out my silly musings, if only for the little pang of joy I get seeing my words up there so pretty and red. But there are some great diaries out here, most of which are already on the webring, so why not?

I'm not much for popularity contests, and it's my understanding that there's some sort of scandal going on, involving some other Diaryland members. I'm always the last person to learn about this stuff, which is fine, because the less I know about in-fighting and such, the better off I am. I suck at taking sides. Being a virtual wallflower has its benefits...

Last night Ethan and I went to Jacob Wirth's, which is this totally Olde Boston establishment, where little has changed in terms of decor, and the food is German, German, German. You just aren't going to see any kind of vegetable matter on your plate other than red cabbage. It was fun, though, and their Christmas decorations are great. Very Dickensian. Made me want to indulge in charming antiquated ceremonies involving words like "mead," "grog," and "steaming Christmas bowls." Quite.

lisamcc at 09:06:22

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