
Too tired to muster up a clever title...


In the interest of ease and fairness, the Powers That Be at Chez Huntington have deemed it fit to pay us salaried types once a month. On the one hand, it's nice to only have one paystub per month to lose in the bottom of my bike messenger bag, and it teaches me a thing or ten about responsible budgeting, but I still for the life of me can't get past that initial feeling of "Woohoo! I'm rich," followed by the immediate despair of sitting down and paying all of my bills. It's depressing as fuck.

Thanksgiving came and went and I didn't pass out on my mother-in-law's couch this time around. Read into that what you will.

Tonight I get to hang out with Tom and record my vocals for my band's Christmas song, entitled "Santa Fetish." Everybody else is doing a holiday song -- why shouldn't we? Hopefully, the evil band of thick-necked fratboys who reside in the space next to ours will not be on hand this evening. We've taken to calling them "Not Primus," because they're, uh, NOT Primus. No matter how wicked hard they try.

In a giddy burst of sentimentality, I emailed a bunch of high school classmates. I've heard back from two: Raziel and John. My husband is utterly baffled by my refusal to let the 80's go...

lisamcc at 16:43:49

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