
sucker poles

bombs away!

I am so fucking tired right now.

All along, I've been referring to the time immediately following the final performance of the show as "when I get my life back," and now that I've got it back, kind of, I just feel completely bombed out. And now I've got a cold sore on my lower lip. Lovely.

The other day my friend Little Joe had his bicycle stolen by a city worker. He knows this to be true because the crime was witnessed by a parking garage attendant. Apparently, the streetcleaner fellow just up and lifted the pole that Joe had chained his bike to, just lifted it up out of the ground, and took the bike. I was horrified by this story, horrified. Eleanor piped right in, "Oh, you had it chained to a sucker pole, huh?"

I bleated, "Excuse me, but a sucker pole?"

Eleanor then told me that she had actually just read all about this scam going on in the city, and that you should always check for loose bolts on streetpoles or anything else you're about to affix your bike to.

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen...

lisamcc at 17:13:44

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