
Kill your TV

KILL t.v.

Last night was the first night where I didn't have to do anything work/show/band related in, like, weeks. So I had a nice bath, and then I got to watch television. It's nice to be able to sort of "revisit" the concept of prime time television after one has been away from it for an extended period of time. Mainly, of course, I watched VH-1 (my biggest guilty pleasure in life, besides maybe beer). Some thoughts from last night's teeveefest:

TLC's "Unpretty" video. Thank you, TLC, for letting me know that it's okay to not be airbrushed and perfect. I had no clue. I've heard teen girls go off on how this song has such a rilly positive message for kids-n-stuff. Maybe so. But watching this video, with its accompanying close-ups of the TLC members' impossibly tight abs, the message I got was more like: "You should be okay with the way you look, because you will never in a million years look like TLC."

Danny Bonaduce. He was always my favorite Partridge, simply because he was a wiseass, and therefore more accessible than David Cassidy and that pooka shell necklace of his. Danny's still funny.

"The List." Will somebody tell me who over at VH-1 decided that putting Charles Barclay in the host's chair was a good idea? The man has all the scintillating personality of a piece of lawn furniture.

Kev's diary

lisamcc at 12:03:35

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