
Cruise Control!

True to form, chickens, I have to confess that I am really, really enjoying the veritable freakshow that is Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes, even as I experience the occasional pang of guilt that I am clearly witnessing either the end of Holmes's career, or Cruise's slow descent into batshit insanity....or both.

And I'm CLEARLY not the only one deriving some good old fashioned schadenfreude out of this clusterfuck of a "relationship." I really don't think us garden variety fame hags have had this much fun since the first Paris Hilton sex tape. Our merry little band on the message board has been analyzing it to death almost from the beginning.

OK - at the risk of drawing ire from any Scientologists out there reading....what the fuck? No really -- what the FUCK? How could anyone up the ranks of L. Ron's "church" believe that Tom Cruise's current activities -- bouncing around like an oversexed chimp over his winsome ladyfriend while simultaneously spewing unwarranted venom at Brooke Shields -- are putting this institution in anything even vaguely resembling a positive light?

Still, this is an organization - a religion - which most definitely separates its wheat from its chaff, as evidenced by its "Celebrity Centre." Tom Cruise could pop a squat right on said Centre's front steps and a dozen Scientology acolytes would appear out of nowhere and offer to wipe his ass.

I think a lot of people are in the same boat here in that we cannot say WHY we find it so fascinating, but it's undeniably fascinating. You know, sure - there are definitely bigger things to worry about on this big spinning ball of rock - and at times I feel genuinely guilty that I even CARE what Tom Cruise is doing (or not doing, if we are to believe everything we read) with Katie Holmes.

But then when have I ever apologized for writing about this crap here?

lisamcc at 8:16 p.m.

1 comments so far
2005-06-24 00:53:47
Pop a squat. That reminds me- did you ever do "turtles" on the back window of the schoolbus?

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