
myspace skanks

Meet "Natasha" -

Natasha, gentle chickens, is what's known 'round these internet parts as a Myspace Skank, one of thousands who show up out of nowhere, looking specifically to befriend as many dudes, shitty bands, and fellow skanks as possible.

A successful Myspace Skank will typically have "friends" that number in the thousands. Myspace Skanks are fond of posting cutesy ASCII "art" and provocative shots of themselves in the respective "comments" sections of their "friends." They are also fond of acronyms for "laughing out loud" and all variations therein.

A typical term of endearment used by the Myspace Skank is "hun." She is not referring to a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century.

Let's take a moment to review what we've read thus far, and attempt to leave "Natasha" a comment on her Myspace page:

omg!1 thanku for adding me U R so HOTT,,,,LOL,,,,well talk 2u later hun,,,,

(One wonders if "Natasha" is truly the hott blonde in the picture, or a decoy deployed by some fat guy with donut crumbs lodged in his keyboard.)

Next lesson: the Myspace "himbo."

lisamcc at 5:04 p.m.

2 comments so far
2005-06-12 22:25:42
Another reason I avoid that crap.

2005-06-17 15:31:48
OMG this is funny. You worded it so well. And I understood it, that's the good part. Anyways, keep it up. I loved reading this. It was very funny. Keep updates k!! -Bri

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