
Walkin' in LA, part FOWAH

Day 3, Los Angeles (cont.) - Still giddy from our Merry Little Death Romp, Paula and I decided to tackle the second thing I HAD to do while in Los Angeles, and that was to eat at Astroburger.

Astroburger. Where Hilary Swank is alleged to have gone in the wee hours following her second Oscar win:

I love this. Love it. I'm not even a particularly big fan of Ms. Swank's, but this image just charmed the pants offa me. If I was going to go ANYWHERE and do ANYTHING that smacked even vaguely of stalkerism, this was the place to go.

And boy, we were not disappointed. Astroburger is the TITS, chickens. I had their "Gardenburger Deluxe," which was a big, gloppy sammitch spilling over with avacado-y goodness. As a bonus, the fine folks at Astroburger were also able to produce a vegan version of the same sammitch for Miss PK. It must also be noted that the place was super, super CLEAN. We both agreed that we would return at least once more before I went back, and that we would bring Aaron.

We stayed in that night. I'm pretty sure we watched more of the Live Aid DVD, and Paula was completely appalled at what a douchebag Bono was with his 11-minute version of "Bad" and his really terrible leather pants.

Now, before any of you rabid U2 fans who've stumbled in here via a Google search on "Bono + leather + pants" get all up in my Kool-Aid about this, let me state that it's fairly common knowledge that Bono himself has acknowledged the fact that he was a complete douche that day. Look it up.


I was having a hard time believing that all of this footage was new to Paula. "Dude, you didn't watch Live AID as it was happening?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I was out riding horses or some dumb shit."

"That's terrible. Getting exercise and fresh air. Fuck that noise. I CAMPED OUT in front of the Betamax and taped the WHOLE THING."

Aaron perked up. "BETAMAX?"

"Hell YEAH. We were at the FOREFRONT of MOTHERFUCKIN' TECHNOLOGY at the McColgan house."

to be continued...

lisamcc at 8:43 p.m.

4 comments so far
2005-04-21 00:08:42
Dude, Bono is a douche EVERY day!

2005-04-21 22:32:31
Forget the pants. Check out the uber-mullet.

2005-04-28 22:50:57
Come on, dude, I can't wait any longer to re-live day 4!!!!!

2005-04-29 13:39:07
Listen here you -- I don't nag you about when your next rekkid is coming out. I am an ARTISTE! I write when the muse hits me! So you come back to Boston RIGHT NOW and smack me in the puss!

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