
Oh, Canada....

So, everybody's had a week to digest the indefatigable fact that W. is the President, and I've now heard scores of coworkers and friends half-jokingly talk of plans to "move to Canada."

One pictures Canada's provinces busily preparing for the onslaught of expatriates from down south: "Hurry! They will be here any time now! We must triple the number of Starbucks franchises and ATMs! Our new residents will require convenience non pareil!"

I don't know if it's a byproduct of garden-variety American arrogance, this expectation that there'll be a party of toque-wearing, smiling, happy Canadians waiting for us at the border bearing gift baskets of maple sugar candy and back bacon: "Yes, we've been expecting you, you throngs of disgruntled, middle class Americans. Welcome! Welcome to Canada!"

It's entirely possible that Canada doesn't want us. For real.

Plenty of work to do right here in the next four years, I say.

lisamcc at 11:32 a.m.

5 comments so far
2004-11-12 13:08:37
Not me! I'm movin' to Mexico!! Or rather: �No yo! �Me estoy trasladando a M�xico!!

2004-11-12 19:53:39
Bah. It takes you a year just to process the application to move to Canada as a permanent resident. Then it takes another 3 years before they'll consider you for citizenship. By then, it's election time again. Better to take an extended trip to study overseas if anyone's looking to hop out of the way of the Bush train wreck.

Gimpy Old Lady
2004-11-13 06:42:10
Oh, come on...it's not going to be that bad... I do love the so-called non-partisan movement to bring the American people back together and to put all our differences aside...but they are still refering to "red states" and "blue states." If we thought the Moral Majority was smug back in the days of R. Reagan, we ain't seen nothin' yet. Hang on to your hats, kids. It's going to be a bumpy ride!!

2004-11-13 08:10:21
http://www.marryanamerican.ca Some of them want us ;)

2004-11-13 10:22:32
Guess where all the rich Canadians go when they need a real good surgeon or top-notch cancer treatment? Yup, the USA, and no, their health insurance doesn't pay for it, either.

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