

Well, I'm doing as well as can be expected, considering that A) my best friend is about to move to Los Angeles, and B) we're looking at four more years with that monkey-faced fascist assclown in the White House.

A bunch of people crowded into my cubicle yesterday to watch Kerry's concession.

"I'd like to thank everyone for all their hard work and support over the past 2 years, and going forward, remind the rest of the country that -- hey: I'm RICH -- I got nothing to worry about. It's all of you that are about to have their asses handed to 'em. Go BUSH!"

Okay, so that's not exactly what he said. It would have been hella wicked pissa if he did, though.

In other news, anybody else creeped out by doll heads?

I am.

Some time ago, I got a CD by the band of an old high school pal of mine. It was promptly delivered to my home (I'd bought it online) and I neatly filed it away. For some reason I didn't immediately listen to it; I suspect it was because I was in one of my "all Neil Finn all the time" phases.

I'm listening to it now, boy howdy. I can't stop listening to it. Jeebus cats, it's good stuff.

That's all I got.

lisamcc at 9:10 p.m.

2 comments so far
House boy
2004-11-04 21:42:27
When are you not in an all Neil Finn all the time phase?

2004-11-08 19:53:42
Doll heads creep me out, too, Particularly that one.

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