
Hand. Staple. Forehead.

So the day after the World Series win was surreal. I was on the train with a dozen other happy, exhausted, gob-smacked commuters, and we all just sat and smiled stupidly at one another.

At Stony Brook station, a gentleman boarded the train, bedecked in his Sox paraphrenalia as well as a shirt emblazoned with the flag of the Dominican Republic. He sat down directly across from me and let out a roar: "UP ALL NIGHT, YEAH?"

I laughed and allowed as to how, yes, I had been up rather late into the evening.

"I was in my car, just LAYIN' on the HORN, man! YEAH!"

At this point, the woman next to me (your typical Jamaica Plain resident: Eddie Bauer fleece pullover, gardening clogs, and pseudo-Andean knit cap, carrying a travel coffee mug and the latest copy of the UTNE Reader) piped in: "I see that you are from the Dominican Republic; they must play a lot of baseball there."


"Well, that's just wonderful; you must be so proud."

At this point, I sensed that she wasn't quite done. It's kind of like when you're in one of those machine-gun sneezing fits: there's this pause, and then invariably there's a final, snot-rocket of a sneeze that makes everyone in the immediate vicinity look up and regard you as a terrible nuisance, indeed. Yup. Here it comes.

"I think that we should have a parade just for your people, in appreciation of all that you have brought to our game."

Hand. Staple. Forehead.

lisamcc at 4:04 p.m.

3 comments so far
Gimpy Old Lady
2004-11-01 05:55:39
Are you sure she wasn't from Hingham?

2004-11-01 20:53:57
Mother. Please. If she was from Hingham do you really think she'd be using public transportation? And the ORANGE line, no less? No, this was your Garden Variety Self Satisfied JP-er.

Gimpy Old Lady
2004-11-02 05:17:58
Hey, Hinghamites don't eschew public transportation...look at that nice new commuter rail they're getting...

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