

Hey everybody -- lookit my DAD!!!

Oh. Oh, my. Heavens to Betsy. How I laughed when I saw this picture. You don't ever think of your parents as having been, you know, "lookers," let alone having a pretty friggin' stellar 'do. Slick!

I don't feel bad about posting this, either, since my dad reads my diary and is often compelled to call me after reading particular entries, to either correct me on some small detail, or to act all wounded when I've poked fun at him or my mom for something or other.

I've spent most of my life being told that I look just like my mother (see the babe on the far left):

This is more or less true. But I saw this picture of my dad, while tooling around on my extended family's website, and I was like -- LIVER LIP! There it is! So, you know, I feel a little less like my mother's clone.

I leave it up to you all to decide. Here's me:

lisamcc at 7:40 p.m.

3 comments so far
2004-01-03 20:49:36
That chick in the pink dress looks like a zombie contemplating brains.

2004-01-03 21:50:31
I woulda known instantly that was your Ma - you DO look just like her. Your dad? What a hunk!

aphex twin
2004-01-04 02:25:32
You do look like each other, but even more amazing - you look like janeane garofalo. P'raps its just the photographs and my lack of sleep, though. And your style of writing sounds like something she'd say. Which leads to another topic, the tone of a person's voice inside their own head...

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