
New Year.

"It's the end of a fucked-up year... there's another one coming... OH SHIT!!" - Embrace, "End of A Year"

Here's how delightfully lame I've become, chickens: for the first time in years, I fell asleep on my couch in front of Dick Clark's Rockin' Whatever. I attended no parties, my band played no gigs, I was under no self-appointed obligation to be anywhere. I highly recommend this. I don't believe in New Year's Eve anymore -- anything that requires that much planning is destined to be disappointing somehow, and I've had some spectacularly unspectacular New Year's Eves as the direct result of my insisting that I had to be somewhere.

There was the New Year's Eve I spent at a friend-of-a-friend-of-my-then-boyfriend's, playing a drinking game called "Stump the Stooge" (this was back when Channel 38 had their annual "Stooge-a-thon" on December 31). We sat in the living room, and at the beginning of a new "Three Stooges" episode, we picked a Stooge. Anytime any harm befell your Stooge, you had to drink. You could pace yourself by occasionally picking Moe.

So, yeah, not feeling especially bad/guilty/lame about the fact that I stayed home last night.

I do still feel like I gotta do the resolution thing. So, okay, I resolve to stay sober, write more, stop googling for ex-boyfriends and girls that were mean to me in grade school, and floss.

lisamcc at 10:36 a.m.

3 comments so far
2004-01-01 12:49:51
Hey I've never read your diary before and don't know you. I saw your banner on the top of my diary page and clicked on it. I wanted to commend you on your thing about new year's eve and had just written the same sentiments. Why do peole make a big deal over this stuff? Good luck with your resolutions

2004-01-01 19:56:38
no one EVER actually ends up flossing

2004-01-03 03:56:18
I started flossing once, right after I paid a lot of money for a rather invasive dental deep cleaning process... it didn't last (the flossing, I do keep my teeth clean though... have a super duper electronic sonic toothbrish, I do)... and I used to love the Stooges, ironically, I mentioned them in a recent entry in one of my diaries... and I worked New Years eve... I'd have so rather sat at the computer rambling on... party?... I used to do that too... and actually, I started flossing more than once... anyway, I enjoyed your entry and writing style and hope to find time to read more (cuz even though I feel like I've been here before, I don't recall coming by often or too recently)... now I hope you have a wonderful whole year, before it gets too old :)

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