
This year's Xmas card

Well, it took me a fair amount of digging around on the internet, but I found me the photo that I'm using for our Christmas cards this year:

Why, yes -- I am totally serious about this.

I right-clicked that puppy and saved it to my hard drive, then printed out a big stack of them. I bought a box of photo corners and several boxes of blank green-bordered greeting cards (the kind you can do watercolors on), affixed four photo corners to each card, cut out the pictures (leaving enough white space around each one so that it looks vaguely photo-ish) and slid them into the corners, and then hand-colored each one (Dick's wearing a green sweater, and Liz's hair is holly berry red). I bought a gold gel pen and -- in my trained Palmer Method hand -- have written "Happy Holidays from Lisa and Kevin" on every card.

I gotta say, they look fuckin' killer. I'm such a clever spore, I am.

And, no, I am not on crack.

lisamcc at 8:24 p.m.

9 comments so far
2003-11-18 22:14:23
Oh, how fabulous! I love it. I'll be good & not steal it though. ::carefully saves photo to hard drive, to use *next* year::

2003-11-18 23:36:19
Wow, that must have taken a lot of time. Are you on crack? How many did you do?

2003-11-19 09:43:21
You are *so* creative - you put me to shame with my store-bought cards and all. Maybe I'll be inspired now to do something cool this year...I still have time!

2003-11-20 01:51:46
Christmas what now? Cards?

2003-11-22 01:05:28
That is so fucking cool. :>

2003-11-22 03:11:54
Stumbling in at this time, I wonder if you are always so amusing... one of these days I'll find out.

2003-11-23 02:46:26
Oh please say I'm on your xmas list. Oh please say it's true! (Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? I am, George. I am.)

2003-11-23 12:32:39
Hey!! I just ran inot your journal, by accident. Love the lay out. The card picture is hysterical. I love it. I'm adding you to my favorites... you may also do the same if you feel like it. Tootles!!

2003-11-25 17:35:57
One of our favs around here as well...way back in the good old days we had Mikey and Mary up for a visit to Maine and scared them by telling them we were going to play "get the guests" or was it "hump the host"? I also will resist the urge to steal this from you! It's ultra cool! and sure to get a lot of laughs from yur xmas list folks!

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