
2003-11-18 22:14:23
Oh, how fabulous! I love it. I'll be good & not steal it though. ::carefully saves photo to hard drive, to use *next* year::

2003-11-18 23:36:19
Wow, that must have taken a lot of time. Are you on crack? How many did you do?

2003-11-19 09:43:21
You are *so* creative - you put me to shame with my store-bought cards and all. Maybe I'll be inspired now to do something cool this year...I still have time!

2003-11-20 01:51:46
Christmas what now? Cards?

2003-11-22 01:05:28
That is so fucking cool. :>

2003-11-22 03:11:54
Stumbling in at this time, I wonder if you are always so amusing... one of these days I'll find out.

2003-11-23 02:46:26
Oh please say I'm on your xmas list. Oh please say it's true! (Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? I am, George. I am.)

2003-11-23 12:32:39
Hey!! I just ran inot your journal, by accident. Love the lay out. The card picture is hysterical. I love it. I'm adding you to my favorites... you may also do the same if you feel like it. Tootles!!

2003-11-25 17:35:57
One of our favs around here as well...way back in the good old days we had Mikey and Mary up for a visit to Maine and scared them by telling them we were going to play "get the guests" or was it "hump the host"? I also will resist the urge to steal this from you! It's ultra cool! and sure to get a lot of laughs from yur xmas list folks!

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