
Fat Ankles

Did you ever just intensely dislike someone without any real reason? The person in question hasn't done anything to you personally, hasn't done anything to inspire real rancor....you just plain don't like her, and when pressed for a reason, by � say � your houseboy, (who may also gently suggest that you let the matter drop altogether) you find yourself getting incredibly defensive about it, so you end up shouting: "She just SUCKS,okay?!"

Nonplussed, you turn to your best friend, who naturally agrees with you that the person in question is indeed most certainly probably the uppermost annoying creature on the planet, and may even go so far as to give concrete examples of her inherent annoyingness. Together, you probe at the issue � via the medium of electronic mail � until you are both spent, then make plans to buy makeup. You feel a little better, but the nagging feeling that the problem is unresolved remains.

I am reminded of a conversation I once had with a coworker, who, having been set off by the doings (or perhaps it was the lack of doings) of someone in the Marketing Department (isn't it always the fault of someone in Marketing, chickens?), started in on this litany of this poor, unsuspecting Marketing maven's flaws, working herself into a fair tizzy before finally spluttering, "And....and....she's got FAT ANKLES!"

I couldn't help myself; I burst out laughing.

I think I'm just going to use that as my all purpose Reason For Not Liking Someone� from now on.

lisamcc at 11:05 a.m.

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