
Today's Confession

Okay, so I'm totally gay for Lisa Marie Presley.

I used to be quite gay for Gwen Stefani. Both of these revelations have garnered some fairly interesting reactions.

"What are ya, some kinda fag er sumpin'?" � le Marquis

"Neither one of them do a thing for me. I totally don't get your taste in women." � Jess

"I'd take Lisa Marie over Gwen, totally. I think No Doubt bug me so much as a band I could never dig Gwen." � Paula

Believe you me, chickens -- no one's more perplexed by this than I am. Gwen's just pretty to look at, I guess � she's like a sparkly-but-cheap bauble.

But Lisa Marie � that Lisa Marie's a big ol' bully. You know, the mean gum-chewing, Newport-smoking girl in junior high that you were both terrified of and fascinated by. She just looks like such a brute!

I don't think it's just the Elvis connection, either......or maybe it is. I dunno - I just want her to smack me around! She'd at least be paying attention to me!

Okay, I'm done. Discuss.

lisamcc at 3:05 p.m.

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