
Bukowski's speaks

Hate mail! I gots me some hate mail!

Actually, it was pretty funny...put me in my proverbial place while making me giggle.

Here's the poop: several months ago I wrote a bitchy entry about Bukowski's, a bar/eatery here in Boston. Apparently this enraged somebody enough to scold me in a very entertaining way, telling me, in so many words, that I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about (probably), that the fact I would not set my prissy ass into the establishment would only make it a better place for everyone else (possibly), and that I would not be welcome there until I "loosened my tutu" (obviously).

I can only assume, based on the email address, that the mailer of said note is very much affiliated with Bukowski's, and that's pretty cool. Any proprietor who ends his spiel with: "Bukowski would drink with anyone, anywhere, anytime, Dopey" will make me rethink my position.

I got called "Dopey." That made my day.

So go, kids. Go to Bukowski's Tavern. I'll be there just as soon as I can get this tutu over my big, fat, prissy ass.

lisamcc at 20:03:48

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