
Poor Scotty

I'm a sick, sick girl.

I had a choice of things to do with my Sunday night. Most of them were quite enriching and positive.

I'd started a knitting project earlier in the day (Yes, kids, I knit. How...not punk.), so I could've worked on that, while listening to my CD of Elizabethan-era madrigals.

I'm in the middle of re-reading the Burroughs biography, Literary Outlaw, which I like to pick up now and again when I feel like getting a vicarious thrill from the squalid doings of others. (How...punk.) I could've jumped feet-first into that cesspool for a couple of hours and emerged feeling so much better about myself because I never bothered to get hooked on smack.

I could've done some laundry. As it stands, I had to go out and buy new socks.

No, instead I took a hurried bath, so I'd be out in time to watch E's latest schlockfest: From Child Star to Porn Star: The Scotty Schwartz Story.

Scotty Schwartz, in case the name doesn't ring a bell, was the elfin young lad who starred in The Toy with Richard Pryor, and was also responsible for my favorite scene in my favorite holiday movie of all time: A Christmas Story. (Scotty was the kid who stuck his tongue to the flagpole at recess: "Thtuuck...thtuuck...THTUCK! THTUH-HUH-HUUCK!!!")

Anyway. Poor Scotty. Relegated to the Former Child Star fringe set with that freakish Corey Feldman. He seems like a good enough guy, Scotty Schwartz. He certainly hangs out with an interesting crowd. I think he's a Prime Candidate for the next John Waters movie. He's certainly got as much screen presence as Patricia Hearst.

lisamcc at 21:48:21

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