

Spent last night at Fenway Park. Sox vs. Montreal Expos. Martinez pitching. Sox won 3-1, for those of you keeping score at home.

My more esoteric friends will sneer at my choice of the evening's entertainment, but really & truly, a Sox game is not a half-bad way to kill a few hours, if you go with the right attitude and the right people. In my case, I went with Kev, my sister and her fellah, and some assorted acquaintances like our new English pal Paddy. I highly recommend going to a Sox game with Paddy, if you can arrange it.

We had bleacher seats, but they weren't nosebleeders, and we had a lovely view of the outfield and the bullpen. Adding to the merriment of the game was a lively group of what I presumed to be Boy Scouts, who were somewhat involved in the game itself (basically, whenever Garciaparra or Martinez were up), but were much more interested in the beach balls that were making their way around the ball park. "Hit it ovahhhh heeee-ahhhh!!!" they'd shriek in unison, practically incontinent with excitement. One kid scrambled over two rows to get at a ball, only to just miss it as it went over the rail and into the bullpen. "Some balls just don't make the cut," I mused.

Paddy said, "That's natural selection, then."

Kev said, "Nahhhh, it would've been natural selection if the kid went over the rail with the ball."

My sister bought me a beer. It was pee-yellow and tasted like beer-flavored water. I drank about half of it and immediately got a headache.

Of course, Queen's We Will Rock You was piped in at appropriate moments, but we noticed that the other favored rock-for-jock anthem, Gary Glitter's Rock and Roll, Part Two, was nowhere to be heard -- its absence attributed to, we supposed, the whole scandal with the kiddie porn found on Glitter's hard drive. That led to Paddy's introduction of a new addition to my already questionable vernacular: "...roight, then, he takes it up the Gary, knowhuttamean?"

See: Cockney Rhyming Slang.

All in all, a fun night. I love Pedro Martinez.

lisamcc at 15:37:58

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