
Bawdy ladies with big mouths


Sewer mouth rocker girls are the best thing going.

Went last night to see Jess and Paula do their acoustic thang. Shari was there, and Robin, and Linda and Michelle. Awesome.

I had many pints of Tremont Ale and slouched at the bar like the lecherous pig that I am, yelling "Why dontcha play some Tesla?!" all through poor Paula's set, and thinking myself quite the original and hilarious gal for it. Paula parried admirably, though, finally yelling back: "Didn't you see the NO TESLA sign when you came in?"

Later, Shari made me sit on her lap whilst we made bawdy remarks about car mechanics. We all left promising to compare hangovers, via email, the next morning

Truly -- the best thing going.

lisamcc at 19:33:45

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