

All the cheese that's fit to eat...

I woke up in the middle of night for a number of reasons. I really need to start keeping a notebook next to the bed to capture the strange little thoughts swimming around in my strange little head during the wee hours. An aside -- currently next to my bed is Ellen Forney's Monkey Food, the complete I Was Seven in '75 collection, several empty and half-empty water glasses, my Rosary Beads from second grade, and about two dozen unmatched socks.

At any rate, I woke up remembering an odd nickname. During my undergrad daze, I had a job at the campus Writing Center, proofreading essays for other students. One student in particular, a strapping Hotel/Restaurant Management major and Sig Ep, was named "Bipper." Awesome. I couldn't make that up if I tried.

lisamcc at 19:38:58

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