
I love ME.

I don't follow rules.  I MAKE the rules!
Even the cheapest rotgut tastes like Veuve Clicquot in my Limited Edition Peter Criss� pewter-n-glass wine goblet (only 9999 made, 9000 of which are sitting forlornly on the shelf of the Spencer�s Gifts where I got mine, marked down to $9.99 because all of the Pauls, Genes and Aces were gone. Poor Peter Criss. After everything he�s been through, with that imposter going on all the talk shows a few years back...never mind that he�s responsible for the only bona fide tearjerker in the KISS canon. And now this.).

I�ve been a very good girl this week. Subsequently, I am now sitting in my pajamas, drinking Hamm�s from the aforementioned goblet, listening to one of the most sonically pristine pop albums ever recorded -- Matthew Sweet�s Girlfriend -- and waiting for Same Ol� Place on Centre Street to deliver a large cheese pizza. Later on, I plan to submerge in a hot bubble bath and break out my copy of Valley of the Dolls for my annual re-reading.

Oh, I�m so kitschy it makes me want to fucking puke. It�s on evenings like this that I like myself better than anyone else in the whole world....even walking clich�s have their merits...

lisamcc at 21:51:33

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