
Why Tuna?

I've been making a lot of quick jaunts across the street to the Store24 lately, now that Dunkin' Donuts has seen fit to increase the price of their weak-ass coffee. I've really enjoyed my visits there; convenience stores are so entertaining, and Store24 knows this, as their slogan these days is "Ban Boredom."

Since I've been spending a great deal of time over there, perusing their point-of-purchase islands bedecked with herbal energy supplements, fake roses and wacky novelty keychains, I've noticed something about Store24, and about convenience stores in general, and that's the varied and seemingly random merchandise that one must ask for at the counter. Batteries. Painkillers. Girlie Books. These things I can understand; they're sort of attractive nuisances.

Some items, though, just baffle me. Recently I noticed that a certain kind of "enriched" baby formula was behind the counter, while several others were available on the shelves. Intrigued, I asked the guy behind the counter what the deal was, and he explained that drug dealers prefer to lift the enriched formula because they cut it with cocaine. Bizarre.

So my question now is -- why tuna?

Tunafish is available only behind-the-counter. Why? I haven't summoned the nerve to ask the tattooed clerk at Store24 about this one. Maybe one of you can explain it to me.

lisamcc at 13:42:37

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