
Pinstriped Jeans and Twist Beads

Nostalgic For Bender.

Many moons ago, when I was in ninth grade, I performed in our Drama Club's production of Bye Bye Birdie. Fortunately, since my mother is also of that peculiar genetic makeup that forbids one to ever throw anything out, I was bedecked in genuine 50's gear, with the exception of a pair of sparkling-white Candies tennis sneakers that I'd purchased special for the role. Thrilled with my appearance, I had my mother snap a picture of me in full costume on the front porch. I distinctly remember thinking: "I am the Real McCoy� up here in these clothes; people who grew up in the 50's will see me and know that these clothes are genuine." That, in turn, got me to thinking about the Future� � what would people be nostalgic for?

Fast-forward to Now. My current romps through the thrift stores have me searching diligently for the togs of my youth: twist beads, OP "jams," pinstriped jeans (I had a pair of Chic red-pinstriped jeans, no back pockets, which made my ass look like a pumpkin in a Power Suit�), white leather jazz shoes, and ESPIRIT cropped tees.

It's fucking sick, this search for clothes that looked ridiculous on me when I was 14...forget about now, as I'm nearing 30 and gravity has taken its damnable toll on an ass that was never exactly perky to begin with.

lisamcc at 14:47:11

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