
Dork Queen


Oooo, a pissing match between The Marquis and Pinch! Feet-first into the fray!

I, Lisa, am the Biggest Dork� here. There can be room for no others. When it comes to The Forgotten Art of the Faux Pas, I am unrivaled.

Flashback to July of �89. I am working at a chain bookstore in the South Shore Plaza, making a little money before I have to go back to college. My dearest and oldest friend in the world, Mike works in the Men's Department of a snooty shop furtherways down the concourse. We've been great all summer about timing our lunch breaks so that we can eat together. This particular afternoon, I'm groggy, having been down in the stockroom logging in the new arrivals since 9 AM. I am not really listening to what Mike is saying. I perk up as he's saying something about "Star Trek."

"Ooo, my family are big 'Star Trek' fans," I pipe up, then proceed to yammer on about Ricardo Montalban's fake pecs in "The Wrath of Khan."

Mike looks at me as if Here Indeed Is An Idiot: "Lees? What are you talking about?"

"'Star Trek.'"

"You dork. I was talking about Sartre."

Mike referred to me as "Jean-Paul Star Trek" for the rest of that summer.

lisamcc at 14:27:25

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