
Fambly Circus

You must LAFF!

There is something so primal in the need to fuck with The Family Circus�.

The Marquis is a frequent butcher of this wholesome series, often ending his diary entries with a re-worded blurb from the demented and impossibly large-headed Keane imps.

I myself have been known to drunkenly deconstruct the strip, following the dashes again and again as Billy routinely gets sidetracked on those mundane errands he's sent on. I have choked back both tears and bile at the sight of the dead grandfather's ghost peering though the windows at the grotesquely malformed Keane spawn. I have often wished for the spectre known simply as "NOT ME." ("Lisa, who drank the last of the Jim Beam?" "NOT ME!")

I am not alone in this perversion.

For some folks, it is not enough to merely rewrite a caption. Some have taken it to a whole �nother level. Dig, if you will, the posse of freaks who have invaded this section of Amazon. I laughed so hard, I nearly wet myself.

lisamcc at 16:13:05

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