
My Past Life


So the Marquis sends me this link yesterday. You enter your birthdate and it spits up, all nice and Java-like, information about your previous life.

Now, I understand that we all would like to have been someone fabulous, or at least interesting, and that the chances of my having been, say, Clara Bow up there are nil.

But this?

...you were male in your last earthly incarnation...You were born somewhere around territory of modern USA South-East approximately on 1775. Your profession was shoemaker.

Well now, really. Well, really now.

I suppose it explains my lust for shoes.

Your brief psychological profile in that past life: Such people are always involved with all new. You have always loved changes, especially in art, music, cooking.

And shoes, evidently.

Lesson, that your last past life brought to present: There is the invisible connection between material and spiritual world. Your lesson -- to search, to find and to use this bridge.

Wearing the best possible shoes...

lisamcc at 16:57:16

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