

Hits the spot!

It's liberating, this sloughing off of webrings and counters and guestbooks. It's less code to keep track of, for one thing, and now, since I'm no longer able to see just who comes in here and reads my inane drivel, I don't feel like I have to write for anyone.

I highly recommend it. Get rid of the shit.

Oh, sure -- it's interesting at first to be able to "see" who comes in from where, but then you start getting hit-addicted, and then you get paranoid: "So-and-so from att.net spent 35 minutes here at 2 o'clock in the fucking morning?! Ohmygod - stalker!" You start checking the locks on your windows, or at least you do if you're me. I'm a paranoid freak by nature, convinced that everyone is either laughing at me or looking at me funny. And boy howdy, I'd have a total surveillance system if I had my druthers.

Thankfully, these moments are few and far between, and are usually stopped up before they go full-tilt boogie into hysteria by Kev, who'll set down whatever book he's reading and calmly say, "Well, Lisa, if you don't want 'pervy people' reading your diary, then take it offline." Usually I'll stammer "But-but-but..." and then realize he's right, and then get pissed because I can't argue with him. My rock.

lisamcc at 01:01:11

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