

Bzzt, bzzt...I said BZZT, damn it!

I'm thinking, as I'm wont to do now and then...I'm thinking of starting another diary here, a secret, secret, secret one that not even my parents would know about, since I know they read this one. I know they read this one, because every other day or so one of them will call me: "What do you mean I fed you white trash food?!"..."Your poor old father isn't camera crazed." Strangely, they did not comment on the coke-sniffing Russian from my NYC vacation.

Hi, John. Hi, Betty. Now you're famous, kind of.

Anyway, I'd love to have a diary called "smut.diaryland.com." I'd be almost willing to bet, though, that it already exists. Hang on a sec and let me check...

pause for Lisa's Smut Break

Well, close me with a twist-tie and leave me on the curb for morning pickup: there is no "smut.diaryland.com."

I bet you can't reserve that name.

It's probably on a Carlin-esque List of Things You Can't Name Your Diary. In fact, I've opened another window here, as I write, to test my theory.

There is no "pornstar.diaryland.com."

There is no "lindalovelace.diaryland.com."

There is no "deepthroat.diaryland.com."

It could simply be that I'm a pervert and nobody else has thought to name their diary "smut" or whatever. One could always try.

lisamcc at 18:13:37

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