
White Trash Nummies

The UNcola

Thinking through the meals of my childhood, I have come to the conclusion that I am White Trash.

Oh, sure -- my folks live in one of the tonier 'burbs on the prestigious South Shore of Massachusetts, my sister and I are products of its fine school system...afterschool Show Choir for yours truly, cheerleading practice for my sister. Garden gnomes and sitting duck doorstoppers. All of the trappings of New England family life.

Doesn't matter. We were totally White Trash. Wonder Bread Miracle Whip Durkee's dressing Coca-Cola potroast with egg noodles and Green Giant creamed corn red Kool-Aid White Trash.

My parents are now pretty health-conscious when it comes to their menu selections. My sister also seems to adhere to a pretty sensible diet.

I try. God knows I try. But I am a Comfort Food junkie. Death on the Installment Plan. Pass the butter.

I go through periods of insanity where I'll make an entire envelope of Lipton's Parmesan Noodles (manufactured with the understanding that it is to be served as a side dish), mix in a half-bag of frozen peas and call that dinner. After countless childhood servings of American Chop Suey (ground beef, canned tomatoes and elbow macaroni), I am the Master of the One-Pot Meal.

I eat and enjoy Pop Tarts.

I see nothing wrong with having cereal for dinner.

I've consumed more bright orange cheese food than I have Gouda or brie.

I do, however, go to the gym. This may not excuse a damn thing. Dunno...

lisamcc at 13:25:48

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