


I swear, I'm almost better now. Sorry to keep inundating you, Gentle Readers, with my tales of pestilence and mucus-laden woe, but I'm hard-pressed to write about anything else...so consumed am I with this cold. I feel rotten, and by God, everyone's gonna know about it.

Last night I was in bed by 6:30. Passed up on pizza with pals. Pizza=cheese=even more snot. No thanks.

I sat at the kitchen table this morning, bewailing my sorry, snotty self, when Kev, ever the master of solace, offered this nugget: "Well, if you're that full of snot, it's a good thing, because that means your body is effectively fighting off whatever you've got." Nice try. I'm expectorating like an open hydrant; I'd prefer that my body find a less disgusting way of going into battle.

And work is one giant bug-house, everybody in the office wracked with coughing. "Sounds like a damn croupe ward in here," my friend Kellie muttered this morning.

One interesting thing about this is that I've gone without coffee for about three days now, with no ill effects. But then, my overall miserable state could be masking withdrawal symptoms for all I know....

lisamcc at 10:11:49

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