

Hey good lookin', I'll be back to pick you up later!

Yeah, I'm still sick.

So now, because it seems appropriate for me to do so, I'm going to fall back on what I used to view as a Diaryland Copout: the here's-what-I'm-doing snapshot. The minimalist portrait of the diarist at leisure.

What I'm wearing: 2 sweatshirts (one from the '91 College Theatre Festival, hosted by Radford University, the second from Emerson College), 2 pairs of L.L. Bean silk longjohns, my track pants, and a pair of hiking socks. Sassy, no?

What I'm listening to: the shrill, whistling sound of air trying to make its way out of my blocked left nostril.

What I'm eating: nothing. Can't taste it; don't want it.

What I'm feeling: my throat is the consistency of raw hamburger. I am a snot-filled balloon. A weepy, overly-layered wreck of a human being.

What I'm thinking: feel sorry for me? Please?

lisamcc at 21:05:18

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