


I will start off this entry by saying that I am currently sick as a damn dog, having at long last gotten bitch-slapped by the flu that has befallen my bandmates, co-workers, and family members. I've just had a shot of Nyquil (the "nighttime sniffling coughing aching wheezing 10% alcohol so you can pass out and rest" medicine), which was heinous, to be sure, and not unlike having a swig of Jaegermeister, but somehow standing in my bathroom, feeling little crumbs of kitty litter beneath my feet, and not being surrounded by a dozen or so beet-faced well-wishers hollering: "Drink! Drink!" while selections from Bat Out Of Hell blare in the background, ends the comparison right then and there. A shot of Nyquil, and I know where I'm headed for the night.

So, basically, I haven't left my house all weekend. Friday night the neighbors upstairs had themselves a little party for what sounded like 250 of their nearest and dearest. So I sat on the couch, shaking and wrapped in an afghan, watching Lifetime while quietly cursing the Flaming Youth who were kickin' it old school one floor up. Damn kids.

I did summon enough energy to email Trik about her fascination with the Barbapapas, a cartoon that I remember well. I can always barf up trivial pop culture factoids on demand. It's just the day-to-day shit I have problems with. I call it "Selective Memory Disorder." I can sing the theme song to "Land of the Lost," and become completely absorbed in a 2 hour discussion about the Krofft Brothers, but ask me where I put my keys and I'll burst into tears.

lisamcc at 20:32:48

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