
Drama Muffin!


I am in mourning for my former Drama Muffin self.

Drama Muffin (n.): one who indulges in the Theatre Arts. One who is overly demonstrative about one's indulgences in said Theatre Arts. One who truly believes that Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber is God's Gift To Broadway, despite the fact that Sir Lloyd Weber hasn't written anything that even smacks of originality since Jesus Christ Superstar.

I blame Higher Education for the fact that in just 7 short years, I went from being a starry-eyed would-be ingenue shooting straight for the Great White Way and an ensemble role in Les Miserables to the bitter, jaded "underground" performer whose best role to date has been that of a heroin-addicted Avon Lady. If I hadn't been pounded about the head and shoulders, academically speaking, by instructors who equated the Major Broadway Musical with The Black Mass, I'd still be sitting near my stereo, weepily singing along to "Castle on A Cloud."

Damn them.

I miss being genuinely moved by cheese. I really do. Last night Kev and I went to see Fosse! at the Colonial. 2 1/2 hours of watching people utterly devoid of body fat lightly fingering the brims of their bowler derbies while hissing "Hotchaaaah!" -- that's basically Fosse in a nutshell. Throw in an assload of mylar and backlighting and you have a good idea of how I spent my evening: squinting and squirming.

So on the cab ride home, I gleefully eviscerated the entire production to a half-asleep Kev, and promptly felt terrible about myself afterwards.

So this morning, awash in remorse for killing off the muffin within, I tracked down a link to my High School Drama Club and looked at all of those perky, beaming faces and it just made me even more depressed...

lisamcc at 10:31:35

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