
Webrings a go-go

Dorothy Parker: 1893 - 1967

As you'll see at the bottom of my page here, I've joined yet another webring. My friend Joe and I have agreed to disagree on the necessity, if you will, of joining a webring. I sort of view a webring as a necessary evil; certainly I love to know that people are dropping in, and in Lisa's Perfect World, everybody who drops in would leave a bottle of Gosling's at the door, but I'll settle for knowing that anyone who drops in shares some of my interests, or is somebody that I would talk to at a party. I joined the Diaryland webring not to be a smirky denizen of the land of Diarists In The Know, but to associate myself with a bunch of swell writers. Ditto on this Dorothy Parker ring...she's my favorite writer, and if by joining this ring I meet some people who appreciate her work as well, then so much the better. This is not to disparage Joe, or anyone who eschews joining a webring. There's much to be wary of when attaching yourself to what could very well be a clique, but then I've always operated on the fringes of anything I belong to, primarily because I'm a dork and have all the socialization skills of a piece of lawn furniture. I suck at giving compliments, and when I get really enthusiastic about something or somebody, I end up looking like one of those deranged stalker types ("I, uhhh, think your stuff is wicked amazing...do you wanna be my friend?! Ah, heh heh heh heh..."). Would that I could, I can't pull off charming...

The point of this entry? God damned if I know...

lisamcc at 21:25:17

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