
Domestic Bliss

Mystery Date...meet your Mystery Daaate...

Now that I'm coming up on my fourth year of being out of the loop as far as the Swingin' Single Life goes, I find myself reflecting on just how much this has affected my life. Really, the biggest difference that immediately comes to mind is the fact that I no longer feel compelled to always have nice underwear on. Beyond that, I occasionally become awash in gratitude that I am under no obligation to be charming when out and about (not like I was positively sparkling before, but...)

Tonight, after dinner, Kev and I may go out and trade in his Stratocaster. Last night, we watched the E! True Hollywood Story on Lauren Chapin. Actually, I watched it; Kev periodically peered over his Farmer's Almanac at the television. Ah, marriage...

In other news, I learned today that I've been rated Average over at one of these Diaryland popularity barometer slash critique sites. Interesting. I wasn't aware that I was being "watched" in such a fashion. It's sort of like working for a retail chain, where the main offices will send in Secret Shoppers to monitor friendliness and overall product familiarity ("The Pocket T's have a shrinkage rate of about an inch-and-a-half, ma'am. Could I interest you in a belt with that?"). So basically what this tells me is that while my diary performs adequately, it won't merit another visit, unless, say, I write something really interesting, or unless I say something inflammatory, which I generally don't do anymore. Tra la...

lisamcc at 09:21:31

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