

Aw, c'mon, give us a smile, kids...

Do you ever come to resent your own house for not keeping itself clean? It's Saturday, you know, and I'd like to spend it doing stuff that I want to do, and as I'm sitting here working on this entry, the dust bunnies along the floor of Impossigirl Central Headquarters are making themselves rudely apparent. I don't want to have to spray down the dust mop with Lemon Pledge and put these creatures out of their misery, because once I do that, I'll notice, oh God, the bookshelves are dusty, and then I'll have to take care of that. Then, when I go to put the dustrag back under the sink, I'll notice the stray bits of cat kibble that have travelled from Whitey's bowl to just where the cabinet meets the linoleum, and so then I'll have to sweep, and hell, may as well mop, too, while I'm there, and so while I wait for the floor to dry, I'll pace. I'll get real bunged up, see, since I'm now on a roll, and so I'll start cleaning my desk. I'll empty all the pens out of the mug I keep them in, and I'll scrape the nubs of each one against one of my pads of scratch paper, testing them, and if any of them are all gummy, regardless of whether or not they still work, I'll throw them out. So I'll go to put them back in the mug, and ick -- the mug's all cakey at the bottom -- so it's into the kitchen on tip-toe (because the floor is still wet, see), to soak it in the sink. Once I'm there, I start doing the dishes, but first I have to clean out the little stopper-catcher thing, because it's full of stray Ramen noodles from last night, when I was too lazy to make myself a sensible dinner, but I don't want to actually touch them, because they're all cold and wormy, so I root in the utensil drawer for the plastic spork we got from Jake's Boss BBQ, the one we use for the cat food, but it's not in the utensil drawer, it's in the sink, so I have to dig for that.

And so on. Do you see what I mean? Why can't the house just clean itself?

Solution: ignore it. Maybe it'll get so dirty in here that it'll almost be kinda clean...

lisamcc at 12:24:49

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