
Ass with honey

How About a Nice, Steaming Cup of ASS?!

Because I'm apparently a glutton for punishment, I decided that it simply wasn't enough for me to quit drinking. I have to cut way back on my caffeine intake as well. Yesterday marked the first day that I limited myself to the one cup of coffee first thing in the morning. By noon, I had a pounding, pummeling neo-Baroque headache.

I did anticipate this being the case, and tried to take a few precautionary measures. I had been told that yerba mate was a good, healthy and politically-correct alternative to coffee. So I bopped on over to the local health food emporium and picked me up a bag.

Chickens, let me tell you a thing or two about yerba mate: it smells like the bottom of a dirty ashtray and tastes like ass. As I sat in my cubicle, making much lamentation regarding this latter point, a coworker suggested I go upstairs to the Store 24 and get a plastic honey bear. I heeded that advice, and upon arriving back at my cube, gobbed a few heaping spoonfuls into my mug.

Now it tastes like ass with honey.

lisamcc at 9:22 a.m.

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