
Idle thoughts

Okay, seeing as how I'm puking up all sorts of vile, nasty tidbits about myself in recent months, and seeing as how I'm currently being encouraged to admit to other people -- after making that fearless personal inventory and all -- what a profoundly flawed, addicted and diseased pervert I am, I am going to come clean with what is probably my deepest, darkest secret.

I am madly in love with Eric Idle. Truly, madly, deeply. Have been for as long as I can remember.

Oh, it gets pushed down for a bit there, especially when I get to feeling good and sorry for myself about that Not Being Able To Drink business, but then something happens and it all comes rushing up, consuming my every thought, word, and Google search.

Kev and I were looking for a movie to rent the other night, and as I passed by the sale rack, I noticed a marked-down copy of The Rutles, and well, I felt something stirring, you know, there. I promptly snatched it up, ambling over, in feigned disinterest, to the houseboy, and said, in feigned nonchalance, "Oh, um, look -- I don't think we own this, do you?"

lisamcc at 12:23 p.m.

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