

Well, it's a beautiful, sunny Saturday, I just got back from hanging out with a bunch of sober alkies, and now I'm getting ready to go out and soak up some Pride.

Yes, chickens, it's Gay Pride Weekend in Boston, and lots of fun to be had out there. I'm a little bummed, because my band played the Pride Festival last year, and it was hella fun, but I don't whether we just couldn't get our collective shit together, or the organizers didn't want anything to do with us again, because we're not playing this year. Like I said, I'm a little bummed, because I definitely got off on the minor rock star treatment we got, and this year we would've gotten to meet Sophie B. Hawkins, and, well, damn, I wish I was her opening act.

Ahhh, there's always next year. Maybe we'll get to play with Martha Wash.

lisamcc at 11:21 a.m.

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