
TGIF, yo.

So, the trials and tribulations of LisaMcC, Underpaid and Overeducated NonProfit Grunt, continued this week with the complete and utter meltdown of our building's air conditioning system. This week was pretty much akin to being in a sealed-up rabbit warren (my office is in the basement of said building, with no visible source of natural light), breathing four-day-old fetid, dead air.

It made me very, very cranky, chickens....or should I say crankier. So cranky that I basically lost my cool (no pun intended) and chugged a couple of beers after lunch. Bad, bad Lisa. Why I thought that this would help alleviate things is beyond me, but there you go.

I'm straight today, not even coffee. Not even my customary Friday Buttload o' French Fries.

A friend of mine, nine years sober, compared all of this spastic ennui to learning how to rollerskate. Eventually I'm just going to get up and skate away without having to fall again, and I believe this. So while this morning, in a word, sucked, I'm feeling much better right now.

And, hey, they finally fixed the fucking A.C. Happy Friday!

lisamcc at 3:27 p.m.

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