
Fashion Faux Pas


So the houseboy and I were at this wedding yesterday. You don't need to know whose wedding it was, since many of you are related to one or the both of us and know anyway. We'll just say it was....interesting. By no means insincere. Sincerely interesting. Interestingly sincere.

I won't go into the details of where these nuptials were held, and the kind of decor usually found in places startlingly similar to where these nuptials were held, because -- oh, chickens -- I could go on for hours, and only come across as being even cattier than usual, and I already got surreptitiously smacked several times by the houseboy for uttering my thoughts -- sotto voce -- throughout the ceremony.

I just want to comment on the one thing there seemed to be a stupefying preponderance of, and that's women who wear pantyhose with open-toe shoes.

Let me say right now that I am the least qualified person to make snarky remarks about a person's choice of attire. For chrissakes, I still have underwear from the first Bush administration crammed at the back of my panty drawer. And, as folks who have recently met me in person can attest, my own fashion sense stalled somewhere in the middle of 1984, and has yet to be brought fully up-to-speed.

But. But. But.

Even I know not to wear pantyhose (with reinforced toes, yet) with open-toe shoes. I look upon this the same way I look upon visible bra straps under tank tops: with scorn. Derision, even. It's not right. It just isn't.

Thank you and Good Night.

lisamcc at 6:40 p.m.

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