

One week ago today...

So I got an email from Cubiclegirl yesterday; she wants to go thrift-shopping with me sometime soon. I thought, "That's good. She's getting better."

I think we're all getting better. Cautiously so.

By and large, we as humans are by nature unable to put things in their proper perspective. It's why we have road rage and alcoholism, and � oh yeah � it's also why people slam airplanes into buildings. It takes a monumental bitch-slap for most of us to even momentarily gain this sense of perspective.

This weekend I learned to appreciate the small things, for collectively - they amount to everything. Getting a big, stompin' red pencil, topped with a Farrah Fawcett doll-head, from Aaron and Paula for my birthday. Watching my friend Mikey actually blow out the candles on his birthday cake, when at one point it looked like he'd never even make it to see 39, let alone regain control over his lungs. Buying a little jade Buddha at a pushcart in Fanueil Hall for the houseboy as an early anniversary present, then going to Mass at the Worker's Chapel.

If there's one good thing to come out of all of this, it's a renewed sense of perspective and purpose. I believe that this is more important than that nebulous and malleable sense of "patriotism" that's manifesting itself in the newspapers, through the airwaves, and on thousands of lapels....because "patriotism" as it stands now has the absolute and ultimately dangerous potential to turn into jingoism. It's happened before. Look at what's happening now in the Arab-American community and tell me that the inmates aren't trying to run the asylum.

lisamcc at 3:19 p.m.

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