
Gonads and Strife

Yeah, I did it. I up and put me together an Amazon wish list. While I did this mainly out of boredom the other day, I must also confess that I did this because my birthday is coming up soon, and I suspect that this might cut down on the number of unwearable articles of clothing I seem to get every year, certainly purchased with the best of intentions, because said articles are "so wacky and different - I just thought of you when I saw it!"

That's why I end up asking for long underwear all the time. Sure, it's not a very interesting present, but I assure you that I will wear it, and not just when you're coming over to visit. I can't enough of the stuff, and I'm particularly partial to those LL Bean silk jobbies; those are the bomb.

So, yeah...

Okay. Linda Bean sent me this yesterday, and I've been watching it every ten minutes ever since. You have been warned.

lisamcc at 11:34 a.m.

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