
What Would Brian Wilson Do?

Oh my golly, who are those awful retro geeks? Somebody buy them some new clothes, for God's sake!

The houseboy finally resurrected his long-dormant diary. Give him many hits so he'll feel popular and loved. I mean, isn't that what this is all about? Sure it is!

It's 5:30 in the afternoon, and I am trying to psych myself up to go home. To those of you who read this on a regular basis, and particularly to those select few who get to hear about my pitiful job woes on a near-daily basis, this may seem...odd.

Here's the deal, I may be an accounting troll down in the basement, but it's an air-conditioned basement. Stepping outside is akin to all of a sudden finding yourself permanently wedged into a giant armpit. I don't deal well with heat, being the delicate fuckin' flower that I am.

So I'm sitting here, listening to Brian Wilson go on about how he just... wasn't-made-for-theeeze tiiiiimes, and I'm thinking, "Well, What Would Brian Do?"

I think I will go home and sit in my underwear in front of the window fan, drink margaritas and just deal with it.

lisamcc at 5:28 p.m.

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